Monday, April 25, 2011

Lag Putting

Lag Putting is one of the most ignored skills needed in golf.  Golfers, on a whole, pay far too much attention to the line of the putt and not nearly enough thought to hitting the putt the proper distance.  It's safe to say that most 3 putts are a result of at least one of the putts being hit with the suspect distance control.
As you get further than 20 feet from the hole, pick a general line and be very specific on hitting the putt the proper distance.
In my video below I go into more detail on the importance of lag putting.  To view more instructional videos, go to

Lag Putting Video

Thursday, April 21, 2011


Pitching the golf ball requires you to use the bounce of the club.  When you make contact with the ground, the bounce of the club should be the part of the club that hits the ground.  This contact will allow the club to slide rather than dig.  To play this shot, use must have some cushion under the ball.  At impact you want to maintain the loft of the club as the bounce hits the ground.  Just past impact, the clubface should still be facing the sky.
For more information on playing this shot watch my video below from YouTube.  To view more instructional videos go to:

Pitching the golf ball

Friday, April 15, 2011

Fairway Bunkers

Maybe the hardest shot in golf for most golfers, is the fairway bunker shot.  The most important key is making contact with the ball first.  A few guidelines to getting the proper contact are:

1.  Playing the ball slightly back in your stance.
2.  Establish good footing at address.
3.  No more than a three quarter backswing.
4.  Holding onto the angle of your wrists in the downswing.
4.  Clearing your left hip and releasing your right foot through the shot.

I've provided a link below to successful fairway bunker play.  For more instructional videos visit my YouTube Channel,

Fairway Bunker Instructional Video

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Greenside Bunkers

Greenside bunkers play havoc on most golfers.  Something about not making contact with the ball really throws them for a loop.  Check out my YouTube video on playing this shot.  For more instructional videos go to

Greenside Bunkers - YouTube video

Monday, April 11, 2011

Minimize your Slice

Here's a video clip from my YouTube Channel, Timcusickgolf, to help minimize your slice.

 Minimize your Slice

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Dallas' Best Instructors

Lots of very good golf instructors in the Dallas Metroplex.  The April edition of Avid Golfer did a feature on the fine instruction available.  Check out the talent.

Best Instructors in the Dallas Metroplex

April Avid Golfer Instrtruction Article

Here's my instruction article for the April edition of Avid Golfer.  Check it out!  Hope you enjoy it.

April Avid Golfer Article

Friday, April 1, 2011

Tempo Teacher

A training aid product I'm involved with called Tempo Teacher today made a significant jump in it's awareness by being featured in the top training aid catalog,  The product clips onto the left side of your belt, is about 18" long and runs parrallel with your left foot.  As you swing, the device helps synch your body, arms, hands and club at impact.  No thinking is required.  It works well with both the fullswing and the short game.  I've seen great improvement with my students as well as my game.  A number of my instructor friends are using it with their students and getting execellent results.  Visit to check out my training videos and the product.