Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Pitching from the Rough - December AG Magazine

Playing pitch shots around the green can be tricky.  When you're faced with two inch rough the shot becomes even more difficult.  There's a few adjustments that can be made to make the shot easier. 
In the December issue of Avid Golfer Magazine I detail the process for playing pitch shots out of the rough.  Check it out!

Pitching from the rough

Thursday, November 15, 2012

College Golf Signing Day

Yesterday was the first day High School Seniors could sign letters of intent for their respective sport.  For three of my students, Matt Gilchrest, Elisabeth Rau and Kelly Grassel yesterday was a day they've been dreaming of.  Matt signed with Auburn University, Elisabeth with Colorado St. University and Kelly with Michigan St. University. 
Lots of hard work, dedication from the player and their families and sacrifice go into this day.  It's a day I'm also proud of to, as I play a part in helping these golfers achieve one of their first major goals. 
I wish nothing but success to Matt, Elisabeth and Kelly as they continue to work toward being the best golfers they can be.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

My latest instruction article in Avid Golfer centers around what's important with putting.  Consistent distance and direction allow you to become better at putting which translates to lower scores.  Below the entire article details how to improve both aspects.

November Article - Avid Golfer


Monday, October 22, 2012

Matt Gilchrest - AJGA All American

Congratulations to Matt Gilchrest, from Southlake, Texas on being named to the AJGA All American Team.  Matt received Honarable Mention All American status last week after winning three AJGA events in a row this past summer.  Matt has verbally committed to Auburn University where he'll be a Freshman next fall. 

Thursday, October 18, 2012

October AG Article - Fairway Bunkers

Sand creates havoc in many golfers minds.  One time you're not making contact with the ball and another time you're not.  It gets confusing.  This month's Avid Golfer article is about fairway bunkers.  Making contact with the ball is paramount for a successful fairway bunker shot.  Some subtle adjustments at address and during the swing can improve your success ratio on this difficult shot.  Below is a link to the article.  Check it out!

October 2012 AG - Fairway Bunkers

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

September AG - Fix the Banana Ball

The article linked below is my latest piece in Avid Golfer Magazine.  It's designed to help golfers understand why they slice and how to go about fixing it.  Ultimately, a slice comes from an open clubface at impact or a clubface that's in the processing of opening.  Compensations appear when a golfer has a curvature problem.  When they miss with a slice the compensations tend to be a stronger grip, a swing angled in the opposite direction of the slice as well as their aim in the opposite direction.  Have a read to get the 'rest of the story.'

September AG - Fix the Banana Ball

Thursday, August 9, 2012

On a Roll!

Camille Enright is a determined girl who has made a habit out of whipping up on the competition.  The incoming HS Freshman has owned the TJGT Tour 12-14 yr old division in 2012.  So far she has five 1st place, two 2nd place and a 4th place finish for the year.  Her scoring average is 77 but recently it has been much lower.  This past week she shot 76-73 to win the TJGT event in Spring, Texas.  This victory included girls up to 18 years old.
Today's competition was the 1st round of qualifying for the Plano West Golf Team.  She went out and shot 69 and is leading the qualifying by 11 shots!  The future is very bright for Camille.

This kid is good!

Soon to be Senior in High School Matt Gilchrest is on quite a roll in the last four weeks.  It started with a repeat win at the AJGA in San Antonio.  He followed up that with a co-medalist performance at the US Amateur Qualifier.  Matt then travelled north with me to play in the Northern Amateur.  The day before the practice round Matt and I went out to play a local course called The Brassie.  From the tips, he shot a course record 66.  I got beat by 10!  The Northern Am had a field of 90 with over 70 players being Division 1 college golfers.  Matt finished in a tie for 15th place.
Back in Texas he won the AJGA at Austin Country Club for his second AJGA in a row.  This week he played in the AJGA at Timarron CC, a course just outside of Dallas.  With scores of 68-70-62 Matt won by a whopping 9 shots.  Yes, that's right, 62 in the final round with a 3-putt!  The round was a competitive course record.  That's two course records in 3 weeks.
Through this stretch he has played these rounds in an incredible 42 under par.  Just off the charts great golf.  Tomorrow he leaves for a big one, the US Amateur at Cherry Hills CC in Denver, Colorado.  My only hope is that he still has some gas left in the tank.  It's been a fantastic ride.

AJGA Timarron recap

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

A proper golf swing blends the hands/arm swing with the correct body movement from start to finish.  How your shoulders turn throughout the swing plays a big part.  You can either turn your shoulders on the correct axis that matches your set-up, turn too flat or too steep.  My August article in Avid Golfer goes into the specifics of getting this key movement right. 

August AG Article - Shoulder to Shoulder

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Matt Gilchrest Wins AJGA in San Antonio

Southlake, Tx soon to be Senior Matt Gilchrest captured the AJGA Genesis Shoot-out presented by Valero Texas Open this past week.  The win makes it back to back for Gilchrest as he won the same event in 2011.  With scores of 70-67-70 his 9-under par total is the best 54 hole score he's ever posted.
Matt credited his solid iron play and ability to get the ball up and down for the keys to his victory.
Matt and I have been working together for 5 years.  He's verbally committed to Auburn University.  Next up for Gilchrest is the 36 hole qualifier Monday at Timarron CC for the US Amateur Qualifier.

Scoring Recap

Friday, July 13, 2012

July AG Article - Driving the Ball

Driving the golf ball well makes the game of golf alot easier.  To be a consistently good driver of the ball you must have the proper angle of attack, clubface and clubpath.  When one of these mechanics gets out of whack shots start flying crooked.
In the July issue of Avid Golfer I detail why these three areas are so important.  Check it out!

Driving the Golf Ball

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

June Avid Golfer Article - Working the Teebox to your Favor

18 times a round you have access to 'ball in hand.'  Similar to a scratch in pool you can position yourself, within the rules, where you like on the teebox.  Taking advantage of the proper angles you may just give yourself more green or fairway to shoot at.  My latest article in Avid Golfer Magazine details the advantages you have on the teebox.

Working the Teebox to your Favor

Monday, May 14, 2012

May Avid Golfer - Pitching/Sand Play

The pitching and sand motions are very similar.  Both require the bounce of the club to hit the ground at impact.  One shot you make contact with the ball and one you don't.  Ball position varies slightly between the two shots.
Attached is a link to my most recent article in Avid Golfer Magazine.  Check it out for a more detailed description at improving these two shots.

Avid Golfer - May issue

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Chunky Shots

Nothing is worse than to have a short chip, around the green, and chunk it.  Obviously, you hit the ground first when this occurs.  Here's a few things to focus on to avoid this embarrassing shot.

1.  Make sure the ball isn't too far forward.
2.  Create some wristcock in the backswing and retain it in the downswing.
3.  Have the club swinging down the plane not underneath it.
4.  Allow your lower body to turn through the shot as the club swings through.
5.  Lead with the left arm and hand.

Watch this short video for a more complete explanation on curing the chunks.

Chunk Shots

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Playing in the Wind

Spring time in Texas means golf in the wind.  To be successful you must adjust a few things.  First, don't fight the wind.  You can't win that battle.  Adjust for it.  Take more club, make a smaller swing, turn your left hand down at impact and focus on solid contact.
The attached video will walk you through the recipe for a successful wind shot.

Playing in the Wind

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Avid Golfer - April Article

More than 80% of the golfing public slice the ball.  Hitting a draw is a shot millions of golfers dream about.   Below is an article I wrote for the April edition of Avid Golfer, a Dallas based golf magazine.  It details the necessary characteristics in being able to draw the golf ball.

AG Article - Drawing the Ball

Thursday, March 8, 2012

March Issue - Avid Golfer

Getting the bottom of the downswing in the proper place is a major key in playing good golf.  In the March issue of Avid Golfer Magazine, I talk about what the difference is between hitting too deep into the ground or too far behind.  Check out the link below for the full story.

March Issue - Avid Golfer

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

February 2012 Avid Golfer - Width=Length

My latest article for Avid Golfer Magazine is about the importance of how width in your backswing can lead to more distance.  However, width doesn't need to be overdone by hyper-extending your left arm.  Focusing on maintaining the width you create at address throughout the backswing is a good recipe for optimizing distance and consistency.
Below is a link to my instruction article.  Have a look.

February AG - Width=Length

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Tony Romo Swing Analysis

Tony is a frequent site on the driving range at the Four Seasons Resort & Club/Dallas during the offseason.  He practices hard and has a very good golf swing and a game to match.  Being extremely athletic he's able to incorporate feelings very quickly into his swing once he understands the idea. 
His history is gettng the club trapped inside on his takeaway. On the downswing it gets stuck again from the inside.  As a result he'll tend to miss with a block to the right or occasionally hit a pull hook.  He's worked hard gettting his takeaway to come up  the plane line more consistently as well as getting the club to match the plane on the downswing. 
I know he'd much rather be at the Super Bowl in Indianapolis this week-end but playing in the AT&T Pro-Am next week with Tiger Woods isn't a bad consolation.  Below is a link to his swing during a recent session. 

Tony Romo Swing Analysis

Friday, January 6, 2012

January AG Article -Quality over Quantity

Improving takes time but you must have a system to do it.  First, have a plan of attack.  Second, quality over quantity in practice.  Third, you should measure your practice.  Make it measurable.  My instruction article for January's Avid Golfer magazine outlines how to take your practice to a new level.  Give it a shot for 2012.