Sunday, November 20, 2011

November Issue - Avid Golfer Magazine

When playing golf you have to have some sort of style or philosophy.  I look at it as a three tiered approach.  You must plan your shot through cafeful analysis of yardage, wind, terrain, pin position, etc...Then you must pick the shot based on your skill level for the given situation and last you must execute with total committment.  Below is a link to my article in the November issue of Avid Golfer. 

November Issue - AG Magazine - Philsophy of Playing Golf

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Good Play Continues

 Junior Matt Gilchrest, from Southlake Carroll HS, won a very significant school event at Lakewood CC yesterday.  He shot 69-73 in high winds on a difficult golf course.  The field consisted of two other Top 50 players in the country.
Lakewood CC is a course where Matt has been challenged in the past.  It's a very tight layout with lots of OB and very quick undulating greens.  For Matt to be successful on a course like this requires him to change his normal game plan.  The driver, which is the best club in the bag, is virtually taken out of his hands.  From a coaching standpoint it's very nice to see a player adapt to different conditions and be successful.  This was a good breakthrough for Matt.
And speaking of breakthroughs Matt's younger sister, Christina, placed 4th in a HS tournament yesterday as well.  She's newer to the game but the round was hilighted with two birdies in the first six holes.  A very good day for the Gilchrest family.

New Website - Added Feature

I recently had my website,, redone.  It was completely overhauled and turned out fantastic!  Many thanks to Deb Mielke on the work she did for me.  One new feature that was added is the ability of my students to post pictures to the site, via the 4image gallery.  In the media section under photos you can go in, register, and then add photos.  I would welcome my students to post pictures from tournaments, golf vacations, swings or any memories on the golf course you feel compelled to share.  I will be checking the section of the website frequently and look forward to seeing your memories.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Belly Putter Experiment

The belly putter has really made alot of noise over this past year.  As an instructor, I felt compelled to get one and practice with it so I could speak from experience to my students and members.  I ordered a 44 inch, I'm 6'3", Scotty Cameron Kombi and received it yesterday.
Over the past few weeks I spoke to Champions Tour member Tommy Armour and Nationwide graduate Danny Lee, both advocates, about the use of the belly putter.  Both have had very good success with it.  Danny put it in his bag the Tuesday of the Nationwide Midland, Tx event and went on to win later in the week.  They provided great insight on what feelings they have that have made the belly putter successful for them.
A few days ago I came across a short instructional video on that really explains how the belly putter can be successful.  After watching the video, I hit the putting green for about 45 minutes and was amazed how good the roll was on the ball.  As well, I found it very easy to line up the putt and get it started on the correct line.  The jury is still out, but it's certainly a promising start.  I'll keep you updated on my experiment.

Belly Putter Instructional Video

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Certain Glasses Make a Difference

I helped a gentleman yesterday with his swing for a few minutes.  He's an accomplished player and wanted to test a product.  While watching him, he hit 5 shanks in a row.  Finally, he looked back at me and said either this product is no good or I can't hit it anymore.  I asked him if the glasses he was wearing were bifocals.  He said yes, that he normally plays golf with a different pair of glasses.  He took the bifocals off and proceeded to hit the ball the way he usually does. 
The moral to the story is that bifocals and golf don't mix.  With bifocals you have such a small window at the bottom of the lense to look through.  It effects your posture and your depth perception.  I always question my students if they have glasses on.  If you do wear bifocals to golf,  visit your eye doctor and get a pair of sport specific glasses.  It will be worth the visit.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Four Seasons Golf Marathon

The month of October is a special month for Four Seasons Worldwide.  It's the time of year each property dedicates to raising money for charity.  At the Four Seasons/Dallas we do a variety of different things such as a bake sale, chili cook-out, tennis marathon, spinning(cycling)marathon, golf tournament and a golf marathon.
Yesterday we had the golf tournament and the golf marathon.   For the golf marathon myself, Paul Earnest(Director of Golf), John  Cunningham(Director of Golf Operations), Abe Hernandez( Head Professional) and Alvar David( Outside Services Manager) set out to play 90 holes in the hope of making as many birdies as we could for our charity, the Irving Cancer Center.
The plan was to play two rounds on TPC and three rounds on  Cottonwood Valley.  Finishing at dark we were able to complete our goal of 90 holes.  Overall the group made 30 birdies.  I was able to chip in with 7 birdies and an eagle.  The amount raised is still being tabulated but the day was a big success.
Aside from the monetary benefits there is a wonderful sense of giving while you're participating in the marathon.  Don't get me wrong playing 90 holes in a day is not easy.  But knowing that you might be saving a life or improving the quality of someone's life that is battling cancer helps keep you going during the day.