Thursday, December 9, 2010

Improving your Balance

Movement is necessary in the golf swing.  The movement must be controlled and done so with the proper body parts at the proper time.  The feet are the root of this controlled movement.  It's the ground floor of the golf swing.  Where you place your weight at address to where you finish with your weight at impact sets up how the body moves throughout the swing.  To really swing properly your feet should feel alive.  At address they're gripping the ground and throughout the backswing and downswing they're the balance plate to the athletic motion of the golf swing.
During your next practice session isolate the feeling of your feet throughout the swing.  This will help you hone in on your balance and how important that is in making an athletic swing.  If you're balance isn't good practice standing on one leg with your eyes open.  When you feel balanced, close your eyes and maintain the same stability.  Do this exercise with both legs.  The average Tour Pro can balance with their eyes closed a minimum of 25 seconds.  The feet are a very underrated part of the swing but an extremely necessary one for hitting quality shots.

1 comment:

  1. I absolutely agree. For people my age, 71, the average is about 6 seconds with the eyes closed. I understand that this number can be improved but I've found that to be a very slow process.
